Sunday, February 27, 2011

101 update

#1- Legend of Wolf song was a very good book and a fairly quick read.

#2- Do a photoshoot at school.

#3 Apply for Design Team at school- I applied and am currently a member of the design team and i take part in doing some fun up styling for a variety of differnt community events.

#4 - So as much as I would have loved to go to Caper this year I got married and during the week I was gone Caper got launched and tickets were all gone before I got back.

#5 - As I am getting closer to graduate I finally sat down and tweeked my resume a bit that will suit my cosmotology life a bit better than the one I had.

#9 - My dads 50th birthday has come and gone and I didnt get to make the invites for his birthday so another dollar I owe.

#34 - Famous Daves is a new place me and my husband tried out and it was alright. Kinda expensive we thought but was ok.

#36- Do a date night once a month for 6 non censecutive months (4/6) I have now been married since october 1st and my husband and I like to do date nights once a week our last date night we didnt have much money so we got out of the house and wandered around the mall or a while not spending anything at all just browsing we spend a bit wandering through barnes and nobel and then we bought a little ceasers 5$ pizza went home and ate it by candle light was so much fun and pretty inexpensive but the candle light makes it seem something a bit more special than any other day of the week.

#37 - letter T- Tangled, K-Kariate Kid, M-My life in Ruins
#39- Last exhibit we went to at the museum was a christmas special which was very fun. They had nativity scenes from around the world set up was very pretty. The next exhibit we are wanting to go to is called bodies I have heard some great things about it so I am very excited for it!

#41 - Attended a career fair with design team and had to do updos on people all day and tomorrow I will be goin to check out a salon that I could possibly work at after I graduate school and move back to rupert area.

#47 - I went to differnt parts of alaska for a wk, on my honeymoon, that I had never been too to come.

#59 - I updated the pictures in my picture frames. I had old college pictures in all my picture frames but after I got married I put more pictures of me and my husband in them made our apartment a bit more cozy.

#83 - Due to my very busy schedule of school I was able to go an entire week without pushing snooze on my alarm and I am telling you now that I missed it completly and will probably go back to pushing the button even though i know in 5 minitues that annoying tune will go off again.

#98 - Make conversation with 5 people I have labeled as annoying or irritating (2/5)
There is this girl at school that I alway try and avoiding because she always seems so out of control a bit too peppy and almost obnoxious lol that may be a bit harsh but its true. She also seems very young in her view of the world which is not always a bad thing I suppose so this last week I decided to see if I was making too harsh of judgements. In the end I decided that the girl is still annoying after talking with her but I also am more willing to put up with her :) she has a very young view of the world that everything is perfect and parts of me wish I was more like that but life experiences have taught me otherwise. She is so happy about life and has ambitions which I thought was kind of exciting and I couldnt help but be excited with her. Although I may still keep my distance from her I know she is living in a bubble of happiness that I dont want to be the one to pop it.

#99 - One new activity I tried this last year was getting married!!! Ya ya!!!